Sunday, May 3, 2009

My first non-dessert creation: miniature MEAT!

(does miniature meat sound dirty to you? it does to me. thats why I used it hehe)

The top pic is salami and the bottom is canadian bacon (or it could be pancetta or some other type of dried meat lol.) I was trying to make a strawberry cane {(image via bebetoby on flickr) and it didn't work at all so I used the scraps from that to make these short canes. They came out pretty well for my first time I think! The thicker pieces you see are the cane itself.

(Click here for a better understanding of what a cane's multiple pages, so skip the reading and just look at the's amazing stuff!)

1 lovely readers said...:

natasha | sohobutterfly said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm! I'm hungry!!! *lol*