Saturday, August 8, 2009

Introducing: Monte the English bulldog!

The boy named him, isn't that so cute? I think I'll enlist his help on character names from now on. Monte is 3 years old and currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada but was born on the east coast. His favorite activities include making ridiculously stinky farts and snoring extremely loud! He also likes to produce copious amounts of drool in his spare time. He doesn't skateboard like that Tillman dude but he can chew the heck out of a Nylabone!

Monte the English Bulldog

In other news, I made my another etsy sale! (Second customer, 4th item sold) WOO hoo! I've got to get to work on my packaging (should have already had this done, bleh) so I can send them out looking all pretty like.

2 lovely readers said...:

Unknown said...

so cute! looks like my butchy!

Dez Schwartz said...
