Saturday, October 25, 2008

Subversiveness kicks ass.

We rented movies with a subversive tone last night...

Network was brilliant. I'm too groggy to really get into how great a movie it is, but I love everything about it. If you haven't seen it, please do! I would definitely say it will make you rethink what you believe in some way. Last Day's was very typical of Gus Van Sant...very artistically shot, extremely minimal dialogue...lots of unfulfilled little mysteries. I won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but just keep this in mind: It's is inspired by Kurt Cobain, not about him. It's about wasted youth, genius, and's about how drugs, fame/fortune can take it's toll on someone. It's a great film...I might need to see it 20 more times to really get everything's one of those films that leaves you with an unsettling feeling at the end...

We're going to watch Fight Club and Falling Down today...I've seen both but I want to revisit their splendor.

I better go get my day started now...

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