Thursday, January 14, 2010

Which Is Cuter?

 Japanese Chin or Boston Terrier puppies? They're both black & white...and they're both smooshy-faced cuties! So which is cuter? (You won't hurt my feelings if you think the Chin is cuter, LOL! I love Bostons but I'm an equal opportunity lover of cute puppies! ♥)

Two examples...

Japanese Chin puppeh or kawaii alien baby?

Howie, one of Kevin and Amanda's Bostons, when he was a puppeh! So Smooshy ♥

This is a hard one for me. I KNOW, I am a BT fanatic but the alienesqe nature of the Chin puppy can't be denied!! I vote for a tie! There is an equally squeal worthy amount of cuteness going on here...

What's your vote??

6 lovely readers said...:

Lisa Kate said...

This is hard but I have to go with Boston Terrier. Those damn ears get me...SO MUCH CUTE!!!

Kim said...

I can't choose! Too hard!!! Can I have them both for a few hours of love???

Julia said...

omigood so so so cute <3
Can't chooose either <3

Katy said...

Aww, puppy pictures. Super hard, but I choose the Boston!

kimsminiatures said...

I love Boston's so much!!!! Both are adorable though. Hugs~ Kim

Dez Schwartz said...

Wow, that's a tough one. But I think my vote goes to the bostons b/c they always look like rockstars. :)