Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bunny Love: Sashi Bear Gets A Cuddle Cup!

All cozy and warm Sasha got a new cuddle cup!!
 Do I look sexy in my new cuddle cup??

Another one of my goals for this year is to take better cake of my bunny, Sasha. (I've talked about him on this blog before but it's been a while. Did you even know I had a bunny??) Well for those that don't know, his full name is Sasha Thumper...he's about 6 years old now and he's a mess! Taking care of a bunny is  A LOT of work and I admit that over the last few years I haven't paid enough attention to him or kept his living quarters as nice as they should have been. On a day to day basis it is a lot of work! I didn't know any of that when I got him. I just decided I wanted a bunny one day and that was that. NO real research at all. (I was young and dumb lol) But I made the commitment when I bought him and I want to give him the best quality of life and I'm going to work hard to do that this year and in the years to come.

But anyway, how do you like his new Cuddle Cup? I went to the pet store to get him some hay today and I got him some toys and that cute little bed to snuggle in. I love that it's turquoise and brown...usually all the beds are girly colors and Sasha wants all the lady bunnies to know he's a manly man stud hunka hunka bunny looooove, so don't give him no stinkin' girly bed! ;) (He's already torn a hole in the side of this bed the little bugger, haha! He likes to tear stuff up and chew on our entertainment system...mmm yummy wood :P)

Happy Sunday! I'm cleaning and watching Pick of Destiny with Tenacious D. I love love love Jack Black!

8 lovely readers said...:

Lisa Kate said...

I didn't know you had a bunneh!! I'm totally jealous! We have two precious little guinea pigs XD I know what you mean though, sometimes I feel guilty if I let their cage get too dirty or not play with them enough!

Loves the cuddle cup! What a cute design!

Dez Schwartz said...

What a handsome bunny! The cuddle cup is cute too.

And no, I did not know you had a bunny. lol...I used to have bunnies when I was a teen. I do remember them being a LOT of work. But super cute. :)

CupcakeSniper said...

Awww Sasha! cute bunny! and I really like his cuddle cup! I'm sure he is very grateful! He looks extra comfy!

kirkland said...

I love your bunny! I had one that looked just like that named Jellybones. Now he is tattooed on my toes :)

Mandy Ferrugia said...

Your blog is looovely! I just found it and am so glad I did :]

pea.ess. your bunny is so cuteee!

Kim said...

I did not know you had a bunny- he is adorable!!!

Melly Kay said...

thanks everyone!! Sasha will be making a lot more appearances from now on ;)

miss indie -- glad you're here! i love your blog!

kaylah said...

Aw, he's so cute!! His colors are beautiful!